Ryan Koehn
Managing Director
Everyone asks how 18th Floor was named. In 2005, a year out of university, I was ready to try my hand at starting a business. Having studied business marketing, I thought a marketing company was probably a fair place to start. First things first was registering a website, our condo at the time was on the 14th floor overlooking False Creek in Vancouver so that's where I started. As you can see, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17thfloor.com were all taken. Over the years I've thought about changing the name but I love telling the story. The reality was I had no savings and I didn't know if I would make it on my own. I'm incredibly proud of where we are today and how it all started. The marketing company was around for 3 years before Real Estate demanded my full attention and all of that was over a decade ago.
When people ask me what interested me in Real Estate and how I knew I wanted to be in development I tell them I think it started when I was a child and loved playing with lego. Or maybe in our garage making a crooked night stand with 3.5 inch nails when I was 4. I was always looking to create and build. The reality of development is much more regimented with investors, banks, timelines, permitting, and profits but the child that loved to play with lego is still very much a part of what we do on a daily basis.